Category Archives: Flowers

Last of Winter – I Hope

Today our temperature here in the northwoods should get to 55 degrees. I went outside this morning to take the last, I hope, pictures of our mounds of snow. I know not all of it will disappear, but I sure hope most of it does. Yesterday I heard and saw the red-winged blackbirds for the first time and cranes were flying over. I heard a robin this morning, but haven’t seen one. Progress.

Last weekend I tried to shovel snow off our decks, but there was a nice layer of ice on top and I couldn’t even make a mark in it. This week, I’ve been able to make a dent in the pile on our front deck. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally be able to open the front door today for the first time since – well, I don’t know when.

Snowshoe trip with fourth-graders. Shortly after this was taken there was a ten-kid pile-up. They fell like ten pins.

Snowshoe trip with fourth-graders. Shortly after this was taken there was a ten-kid pile-up. They fell like ten pins.

I have a feeling this snow pile is going to be here for awhile. In the background you can see the neighbor's shed that collapsed under the weight of the snow this winter.

I have a feeling this snow pile is going to be here for awhile. In the background you can see the neighbor’s shed that collapsed under the weight of the snow this winter.

At one time this pile of snow covered the entire deck and went to the bottom of the door window. I've been chipping away at it this week.

At one time this pile of snow covered the entire deck and went to the bottom of the door window. I’ve been chipping away at it this week.

The back deck may take longer, but hopefully we'll be able to get the grill out.

The back deck may take longer, but hopefully we’ll be able to get the grill out.

As the snow is receding, the spring flowers are popping out.

As the snow is receding, the spring flowers are popping out. Brave things.

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Filed under Flowers, Reflection, Uncategorized, Winter

Winter is Losing – Yay!

I’m sitting at my desk, listening to the snow melt from our front deck. Every once in awhile a crash resounds as a chunk of ice or snow hits the ground. The sun is shining and it’s WARM – well warm by our standards here in Wisconsin – forty-one degrees. I can begin to see the tops of the rose cones we used to cover our small trees. Flocks of geese heading over are increasing. The birdbath in the back yard is partially uncovered, but the one in front is still buried. The grip of winter is sliding from my soul.

bluebirds at birdbath 001 (5)Yesterday gave us a hint of spring. Shoppers were out in mass sans gloves, hats or winter coats. Small puddles of water grew into small ponds. People’s steps were lighter, smiles brighter as spring fever hit with a vengeance. The air temperature was a balmy thirty-two degrees, but the sun’s rays were intense.

I bought a bird book several years ago called “For the Birds.” The author, Laura Erickson, wrote aCode B12 daily journal about birds and nature. At the bottom of each page are lines for the reader to write his/her own notes. And, yes, I’ve written notes. And, yes, I am a bird geek.

Today, with the snow slowly disappearing, I got the urge to take the book down from the shelf and see when our birds started arriving in the past. I don’t remember why, but didn’t make too many notes from 2013. But I made plenty in 2012 when we had a very early spring. On the 11th of March of that year, spring bulbs were creeping up. The red-winged blackbirds and bluebirds arrived. Cranes were flying over heading to the nature reserve not far from our home. It was a busy day.

I’ve always wondered how birds know when to start their migration home. How do they know if there is still too much snow and no food to eat? Do they send out a scouting party? Well, if they do, the message they will send back to their families should be, “Let’s just stay where it’s warm for a bit. They’re not ready for us, yet.”

So, based on my notes, I will start listening with excitement for our birds over the next few days and weeks. Even though we will surely get more snow, the end of winter is near. I’m going to head out for my first run of the season. (It will be short, as I’m not one of those that runs all year round.) Then I’ll chip away at the ice in our driveway and simply enjoy our warm, wonderful day. I’m much happier than last week. Enjoy.

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Filed under Flowers, Nature, Reflection, Uncategorized, Winter

My Brain is Frozen

For the past two weeks I have been trying to think of something to write. I know I have ideas floating around in my head – but – I think my brain has frozen. Probably won’t thaw out in the near future. revised pompas 1093

Yesterday morning I was hopeful when I went out to my van to go to work at 7:00. The sun was shining. The air felt warm. There was no wind. I got into my van. It was -5 degrees. Was I actually thinking that -5 was feeling warm? Was my brain crazy or frozen?

IMG_2695This morning it is -15 with -37 windchill. The only thing I can think about is “When will this winter end?” It’s all everyone is talking about. The cold, the snow, the wind. Buildings collapsing due to the heavy snow (including my neighbor’s shed). Worse winter since 1903 or 1876 depending on which part of northern Wisconsin you’re from.

Like everyone else, I’m sick of winter. I want it over. It’s March 2nd. Farmer’s Almanac says 30 more inches of snow in March. Where will we put it all? I think I hear my flowers crying. Will our trees survive the deep, deep frost? How have the deer survived? Will the bears be able to climb out of their winter homes? Are the birds smart enough to stay away until things thaw?

Will my brain start functioning again and give me something more interesting to write about next week? Man, I hope so. Meanwhile, back to editing my Work in Progress. Code FL13

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Filed under Flowers, Nature, Photography, Reflection, Uncategorized, Winter

Remember this?

Code FL15I had my first vision of my flowers the other day. Of course it was all in my head. Buried deep, deep beneath many feet of snow, I know they are just waiting to burst forth and bring color back into my life. The other day I went through my photos on my computer and gazed at my flowers, green grass and leaves on trees. It was an up-lifting experience. I’ve started dreaming of camping, hiking, biking, too. IMG_2662

Yes, we’ve all been hearing, talking about and reading about this, long, long winter. We’re all tired of it. Except for a few, fleeting warmish days, it is too cold to get outside and enjoy the snow.

Right now I’m listening to the wind howl outside my office window and know our long driveway will probably drift shut again. The guy who plows our driveway will have to make his second trip today. Our snow fence is nearly buried.

Code B17This morning when I went to fill bird feeders, the snow came to well over my knees. It got to the point where I knew I couldn’t go any further, so I stuck the bucket of seed in the snow, managed to get my legs out and turn around. I trudged back to the garage and put on my snow shoes. I had to bend down to fill the feeders, and somewhere out there is a buried birdbath.

So, enjoy these pictures and remember warmth, sun and colors other than white. Code FL35

Code FL28

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Filed under Flowers, Nature, Photography, Reflection, Uncategorized