Category Archives: Diabetes Research

Brenda Novak’s On-Line Auction for Diabetes Research

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Brenda Novak is a best-selling romance author whose son was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at a young age. To raise money for diabetic research, ten years ago, Brenda started an on-line auction featuring hundreds of authors. With items such as books, gift cards, quilts, jewelry, critiques of chapters or full manuscripts, she has raised 1.3 million dollars in the first nine years.

Brenda Novak

I am excited to say that this year I’m a part of this auction helping to raise money for this awful disease. Last year my book was released too late to have in the auction. This year I’m offering an e-book or paperback copy of “Riding for Love” along with a critique of the first three chapters of an unpublished manuscript.

With nine books in print, I have done a lot of editing. I’ve also judged our Wisconsin Romance Writer’s Fab Five contest for many years. It would be wonderful to have someone win this, send me their three chapters and my finding it so wonderful, I’d pass it on to my editor. What an opportunity for an aspiring writer.

There are also many items by fellow Soul Mate Publishing Authors. Scroll down the list and find our name. You’ll find me listed among these great authors.

So, if you have the time and was to garner some wonderful items (for a price) visit Brenda’s auction site and place a bid on an item or two. It all goes to a worthy cause. The auction is open from May 1-31st. Thank you. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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