Romantic Times Convention Days Two and Three

As usual when I’m here at RT, I missed a day for blogging. We get so busy (and tired) that blogging takes a back seat. Since the convention officially started on Wednesday, I’ve been to many workshops, spoke to readers, bloggers, librarians, booksellers, and other authors. I’ve met wonderful people and reconnected with people I’ve met over the years. Oh, the wonderful hugs. It’s like meeting long-lost friends.

I haven’t taken a whole lot of pictures because carrying around my camera is a pain. I’ll try to do better today. The weather has been rather dreary. Lots of rain. As I look out my window this morning, all I see is dark clouds behind the tall buildings. Rain has been splattering against our window on and off.

IMG_9975Like we did last year, Beth and I sponsored a basket featuring Wisconsin items, and of course, our books. Yesterday I was a Spotlight author at Club RT. Every half hour new group of authors come into the room and sit at tables (with three other authors) and hope and pray someone comes to talk with us. The group before us had one person come through, but since it was early (by RT standards) most people were still eating breakfast. Luckily my time slot was much better, and we talked to many, many readers.

Each year there is a celebration of our military men and women. Last year I didn’t get to go because they had it on Sunday morning. Since I flew out early, I missed it. This year it was on Thursday, so we both Beth and I attended. It’s a very moving time. Besides our US Military, they also honor the Canadian and Australian military. Australia has a tradition of allowing family members of those served to wear the medals of the military person who served. They wear them on the right side instead of the left to show they hadn’t earned the medals, but were honoring those who did. I think that is a wonderful tradition. Later that day, I talked with the woman from Australia, Megan, who spoke to the crowded room. She hopes this tradition will start in the US. I agree.

Singing of the National Anthem

Singing of the National Anthem

One thing about RT is the amount of books we get. Last year wasn’t so great, but this year – Wow. Yesterday, at one event, I won nine books in a drawing. With the books on the table for us, I walked out of the room with thirteen books. I will probably come home with 50 books. I was hoping, with my swag and books gone, I wouldn’t have to worry about going over weight at the airport, but I’ve already given up on that. I just suck it up and pay the overage fees.



Jackson Young, Veteran and Country Singer, reciting a poem/song he wrote in honor of a friend he lost while in Afghanstan.

Jackson Young, Veteran and Country Singer, reciting a poem/song he wrote in honor of a friend he lost while in Afghanistan.

The parties have been fun. I sat on the mechanical bull,  but didn’t ride it. I did get to watch several new friends ride. There were also a few of the male models, who in their macho demeanor, got on and were promptly bucked off. They were rather embarrassed. One of the gals I was, stayed on longer than some of the men and she was riding at the same high speed as they were. Right on, women!!!!

I need to post this before I get on with the day. I’m back at the RT Club’s, Author spotlight, so I have to get ready for that. More workshops, more promotion, more fun.

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One response to “Romantic Times Convention Days Two and Three

  1. Great Post, Tina! Love the pics too! Thanks for sharing.

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