April’s in the House! Please Welcome April Marie Libs to the Blogathon!

April Marie LibsToday I have April Marie Libs at the Blogathon!

April, tell us all about you! What would you most like your readers to know?

If I had to describe myself as an author in three sentences, I would say, I love to pull on my reader’s heartstrings, as well as make them laugh. I am a DOD–Doctor of Dialogue– it’s my specialty, and I use life, and the people around me, as my inspiration.
As a writer, I could sit in my kitchen and tap away on my computer for twenty hours straight, but piles of dirty laundry or an empty refrigerator always prevails.

Are you one of those writers born with a pen in your hand and ideas flitting through your mind, or did your interest develop later?

I have always been an avid reader, but always seems to change the plot, or the interaction between the characters in…

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