Thursday Threads – Cathy MacRae

If you like Scottish historical romances, this book is for you.

The Highlander’s Accidental Bride (Book 1 in the Highlander’s Bride series)

by Cathy MacRae

THAB cover art jpgHistorical Romance set in the Highlands of Scotland, 1375

Heat Scale: Sensual

Wed at the king’s command, they entered a marriage neither wanted. Realizing he married the wrong woman, can Laird Scott forge a lasting bond with his new bride and put a long-standing feud to rest?


“Ah, Eaden.” Ranald’s raised voice brought the earl to a halt.
He turned. “What?”
“There may be a problem with your, er, wife.”
“I saw her with the servants.” Eaden scowled at the memory. “I’ll speak to her about her duties.”
“Och, ‘tis no’ the problem.”
“Then what is?”
“She’s no’ yer wife.”
“What do ye mean?” Eaden bit out the words. Damn the Barde wench! What kind of trouble had she stirred up in the two weeks he’d been gone?
Ranald squared his shoulders. “I mean, ye married her, but she isnae the woman we thought she was.”
“The day after ye left for Troon, yer bride came running from yer bedroom all in a panic.” He tossed Eaden a wry look. “I wasnae too surprised about that. She kept telling me she wasnae Miriam.”
“What are ye talking about?” Eaden ground out in a voice growing thin with impatience.
“She swears she isnae Miriam Barde, but Mary Marsh, Lady Miriam’s companion.”
Eaden’s face flushed hot with anger as he digested the news and considered the ramifications. “The woman is lying. She has fought me tooth and nail from the beginning. The treacherous wench is trying one last time to put an end to this marriage.” He glared at Ranald, daring him to disagree.
“Nay,” Ranald replied evenly. “You dinnae see or hear her that day. She was pale and trembling. I dinnae think she was lying.”
Eaden didn’t bother to answer. He spun on his heel and strode down the stairs and into the castle, looking for the woman who was turning his life upside down.


Soul Mate Publishing



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